Asheville Latin Seminars
AP English Language and Composition Syllabus
AP English Language and Composition--Syllabus Fall 2015
All assignments are due on the dates listed below. Bring The Bedford Reader to every class. Journals should be reflective or critical rather than a chronological account of your day. In them, react to your reading, movies and entertainment, and the thoughts of others. You should complete TWO journal entries every week. Bring journals to all classes.
Memorize assigned terms from Barron’s Glossary.
Read An Education For Our Time to page 51.
The Bedford Reader, Introduction and Chapter 1.
Write out definitions to 10 words you didn’t know in An Education For our Time.
Go over BR in class.
Continued discussion of Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman.
Memorize assigned terms
Read Education, pages 51—79. Again, write out ten definitions to unknown words.
The Bedford Reader, Chapter 2.
Eats, Shoots & Leaves to page 34
Memorize assigned terms. Quiz on terms.
Read Education for our Time, 81—135. Ten definitions.
BR, 3.
Eats, Shoots & Leaves, “The Terrible Apostrophe”
Assigned terms
Read Education, 136—198. Ten definitions.
BR, pages 81-96. Answer all questions on 96. Write essay on question 2 under “Suggestions for Writing” on page 97.
Eats, Shoots & Leaves “That’ll Do, Cooma”
09/28…Memorize assigned terms.
Education, finish book. Ten definitions.
BR, 99-109. Answer questions on page 108 under “Questions on Writing Strategy” and “Questions on Language.”
Eats, Shoots & Leaves, “Airs and Graces”
Memorize terms./Test on all terms.
Essay due from Education for Our Time: Use the research done from a college application and write an essay addressing one of the prompts on the application.
Eats, Shoots & Leaves, “Cutting A Dash”
10/12…Memorize terms.
Eats, Shoots & Leaves, “A Little Used Punctuation Mark”
Essay due: Thirty years ago, the Association of California School administrators issued the following statement: “Parent choice” proceeds from the belief that the purpose of education is to provide individual students with an education. In fact, educating the individual is but a means to the true end of education, which is to create a viable social order to which individuals contribute and by which they are sustained. “Family choice” is, therefore, basically selfish and anti-social in that it focuses more on the “wants” of a single family than the “needs” of society.
Write a five-hundred word essay that agrees with, disagrees with, or qualifies, this statement.
10/19…Memorize terms.
Eats, Shoots & Leaves, “Merely Conventional Signs”
BR, 137-153. On page 150-151, answer all questions up to “Suggestions for Writing.” Under “Suggestions For Writing,” pick one topic and write about it.
10/26…Memorize terms.
BR, 154-163. On pages 160-161, answer all questions up to “Suggestions for Writing.” On page 162 answer number 5 “Connections.”
11/02…Memorize terms.
BR, 184-197. Answer all questions on p. 196 down to “Suggestions.”
Writer’s Workshop. Read through page 10, following the directions.
In class: tackle question 1 on page 183 of BR.
Memorize terms.
Test on terms to date.
BR, pages 198-201. Under “Suggestions for Writing,” select either prompt #1 or #2, and follow the directions.
Read pages 10-16 of Writer’s Workshop and follow the directions.
BR, 221, part 1. Select a topic and follow the directions.
WW, read and follow directions to top of page 29.
In class: BR, pages 203—207.
11/23…Thanksgiving break
11/30 …BR, 223-244. Read only.
WW, 29-top of page 35. Follow directions.
BR, read 478-487.
WW, read page 46-47. Then read and follow directions pages 49-56.
BR, 245—259. Select one of the sections and answer the questions up to “Suggestions for Writing.”
Discuss WW assignment for next week in class.
WW, 67-81. Ten Commandments.
BR, read 281-288. 302-305. Answer questions on 305.
01/04…For The Time Being, chapters 1—4. Use journals for comments.